Rožmberk has been a known centre of water tourism for several decades, as most water tourists boat downstream between Vyšší Brod and Český Krumlov in the summer season. From the river, you can enjoy the unique castle panoramas more times than just once as the river meanders around the town.
To the most important sights of the town are definitely the castle Rožmberk, standing on the headland above the river Vltava. Of the original early gothic Upper Castle (Horní hrad) from the 13th century, only the Jakobínka circular tower is preserved, and today's core of the castle is formed by the so-called Lower Castle (Dolní hrad) built as a miniature of the Krumlov castle in the 14th century. The so-called New Castle - a 19th-century residential building - is inaccessible to the public, and nowadays serves as the recreational centre of the Czech Post.
Other sights worth mentioning are the Jewish ones - the synagogue and the old and the new Jewish cemeteries. One cannot miss the Gothic Church of the Virgin Mary built in 1271 on the main square. A very valuable historical landmark is the town hall building. The core of the building dates back to the 15th century although the frontage was completed in the nineteenth century. The square is decorated with a fountain and a statue of St. John Nepomucký. In the list of sights, we must not forget the late Gothic building of the parish from the end of the 15th century and the spinning mill built in 1854, which was in operation until the 1950s.
The town Rožmberk has of course the Rosenberg Rose in its emblem. No wonder, it was Lord Vok of Rožmberk who founded this small town near the bailey in 1262.